Sacred Heart School offers a college preparatory grade-level curriculum that is in alignment with the California Common Core Standards and Diocesan standards in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Religion.
In addition, we offer enrichment experiences that assist children in their academic, spiritual, social, physical, and emotional development.
Grades and assessments are based upon mastery of course content. A variety of assessment techniques are utilized, including portfolios, presentations, project-based evaluations, homework, and exams. Team-based teaching and differentiated instruction techniques help each student master the course material.
National Assessment of Educational Progress tests reveal that Catholic school students perform significantly better in reading, math, and science than their public school peers (National Catholic Educational Association). Catholic students in Catholic high schools, compared to Catholic students in public high schools, attend church more, place a higher value on religion, have a more positive outlook on marriage and family, express more concern for other people, and more often express a belief that they will graduate from college (The Heart of the Matter: Effects of Catholic High Schools on Student Values, Beliefs & Behaviors, NCEA).